Friday, November 7, 2008

I don't get it.....

Okay please I don't want to offend anyone, but I am just putting words to paper and sort out my feelings.
OK I have been reading all the things about what is happening in LA and SLC right now and it makes me kinda nervous not because I am afraid of what the crowd will do, I think they will probably stay calm, just because of what it is to come as the church takes this very important stand. And a mob mentality is never good!!
I have to admit I am a little conflicted about this particular issue, Please don't get me wrong I truly believe that marriage is between one man and one woman. I just don't think that it should be a goverment issue. This is the other thing I have about the whole issue, in my beliefs marriage is forever and there is only one way that can happen so to me I am kinda like, so what?
However I do not want a happy gay day at my kids school, I teach my kids what they need to know about ANYTHING to do with lifestyle choices. I will handle that thank you I don't need a goverment enforced tolerance day. Although I do realize not all parents do that.
Okay and this is my other issue, why all the haters to our church did not they not see the press conference with like 30 pastors, preachers, etc from other churches claiming VICTORY?
And my favorite was the lady on TV calling President Monson, President Munsun hello get educated before you go on TV.
Also I just read this article about how HOLLYWOOD is getting involved in the fight against all this hatred and how they are going to be throwing money left and right to combat this issue. This drives me crazy!!! How is it that people who do not lead normal lives, most of them never half to worry about making their mortgage, buy groceries, or pay medical bills. They have to make up things to throw money at, yet they are the first to argue about how horrible our economy is when it doesn't even effect them? If you are so enraged over the economy walk in East LA and find a single mother who is working 3 or 4 jobs, because her husband ran off to be like 50 cent and pay her house off, or help her kids have school clothes, or tutors. ANYONE???I love that they think that I give a $#$!@ about who they are voting for? They are not the main stream public, they do not represent the norm in our country. When they get stressed out they fly to a secluded island, I eat a piece of chocolate, which you can guess i have been stressed alot LOL! I have never been one to vote straight party I always look at the canidate and do my homework of who I should vote for. And even though I did not vote for the pres elect I will support him because he his the President of my Country and I am always proud of that!! I wish him the best and I do hope he succeeds, because again my country. I probably will not agree with everything he does, but that can be said of every president for me. I am just tired of living in this state of anger ALL THE TIME!! I am literally tired. So many of us are going off half-cocked without ever getting all the facts and making assumptions about things before getting the full story. So tonight I am praying I can be kinder, more loving, and understanding to everyone. Please don't mistake this as my hippy movement...just my human movement.


Natalie said...

Go Shannon! I think a lot of us feel the same way. I am just not very vocal about it. I think sometimes I should let myself.

Shelley said...

Five words, my friend: A sign of the times. (super freaky times!)

Emily said...

Amen! I think that this is surely a sign of the times. A testament of Living Prophets. If we are prepared we shall not fear. If we trust in God and do our very best, we will be blessed. Time to Stand.

Pezlady Jana said...

I think you hit it right on, and I am very glad to say that I am your friend and I support you...even if you WERE having a hippie movement.

The Newmans said...

Amen! I understand that the church did put some money into the "vote yes on Prop 8" campaign but why are they coming to Utah to protest? No one here could vote for it! I too believe that marriage is between a man and a woman and it isn't just the Mormon church that feels this was (although we seem to be the only church targeted!). Hooray for you for speaking out on how you feel. I know that for me, at work, I do not talk politics of any kind because I work with such a diverse group it can really blow up into a mess and I don't want to go there. Call me chicken but I'd rather just have my views and keep it that way.

The Morgan Clan said...

I'm with you Shannon. I really could go on and on about the whole prop 8 thing, but I'll spare you. I don't know who Shelley is but she said it best - a sign of the times.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea the potential problems this could cause the church. If I am right, this would affect the equal marriage law which means the church would have to allow everyone to get married or no one at all.

Also-- wasn't the world just mocking the FLDS people for thier belief in marriage? People are so two sided. We want this but not that- AUGH. I am right there with you on everything.