5, Did you know there was an earthquake in Nevada/Utah/Idaho? Did you feel it? My husband did as he sat on the porcelin throne in our basement, Now for the funny part both my kids told their entire class. And now I blog about it sorry honey.
4. Last week on Valentines day I was in the lunchroom and my little buddy Thomas who is a first grade cutie, we talk a little every day, anyway he was telling me that his birthday was Feb 2? and I said wow did you know that my birthday is today? He said WOW I BET YOU GET EXTRA CANDY!!!!! Not extremely funny but soooo cute,
3. We went to a wedding in Idaho for one of my husband's best friend and the whole week before my husband was telling me stories about him and how funny and clumsy he is, and also that he dances a little like Elaine on Seinfeld, So they go to cut the cake and the bride goes to shove the cake in his face and he backs up and the pillars (don't worry styrofoam) fall and the bride is covered in greenery and twinkle lights and the groom is on the ground with a very sore bum.
2, My four year old was having a big tantrum the other day I don't remember why and I explained to him that he was acting like an animal not a good little boy. So after we have calmed down and he tells daddy and me that he is sorry, He then turns to me and asks "Mom was that a good human choice?" It is now a saying at our house, whatever works right?
1.So I am in the bathrooom the other day and if your like me, Your kids don't need unless your in the bathroom or on the phone. So my 4 yr old comes in to throw something away, and informs me Mom you have a big fat butt,......laughing here...... To which I reply Yes I know Porter but we don't say that because it hurts peoples feelings....
There you have it hope you smiled!! I am going to go call Weight Watchers now!!!