Next my washing machine won't agitate anything!!!! Ugghhh!! And my dryer at best barely ever worked thanks to a very slimy man on KSL classifieds!!! Pictured below are the beasts of my discontent.

Needless to say I know where my stimulus check will be spent!!
SILVER LINING: As I was washing the clothes by hand in my big washer sinks I was first reminded of how I loved helping my grandma do the same when I was little, Man I miss her, and second I was very grateful for my pioneer ancestors that came before me!
Hi Shannon-
Okay, so I have secretly been checking out your blog. I think the one you are doing for your father-in-law is so sweet. What a good idea. My grandpa actually had that same kind of leukemia a few years ago. It was so difficult for our family. I will keep you all in my prayers and I wish him the very best.
As to your appliance dilemna, we replaced our dryer ($75) and our microwave ($40) recently, both through KSL classifieds. Luckily they are both working great.
Good luck!
I think we have the same dishwasher...which broke down on us about two months ago...It fills with water then drain and continue doing the some thing over and over. Then the keys wouldn't stop flashing. According to the internet a lot of people have had problems...(My kicking and slaming it never my utter shock)My Stim check is now used by a RC willey sells guy.
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