Saturday, April 26, 2008


So Brody had to do a county report, and he chose Cache County being that much of his family comes from there, so while we were collaborating on what he should do for his report, the teacher had given them specific instructions that they needed to build a float, parade like out of a shoebox to show the what he learned about the county. So while we are researching there is a story in the materials about the legend of the Bear Lake Monster. So being that he is the son of the extreme one, we decide to take it to the next level and make the Bear Lake Monster out of clay and have the float ride on the back of it!! Brilliant right!! Here it is,

It was awesome, the monster is sitting on a map of cache and on the float we had a piece of cheese, the logan temple, the letters USU and the logan river along with postcards from all over cache county. Ready for the punch line.........wait for it..........

BEAR LAKE IS NOT IN CACHE COUNTY!!! Hopefully he get a good grade anyway!!!

1 comment:

Thayne6 said...

HaHaHa...I love it!! I know he'll get a good grade.
