Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Can a blog have a virus?

I think mine does, everytime I pull it up I get this stupid adopted austrailian thing? Is it doing this to you when you pull up my blog? If it is I am terribly sorry. If you know how to get rid of this any suggestions would be welcome!! Happy Tuesday to you. AI is on tonight and I am hoping to recap sorry I have been a slacker to much life lately.


Anonymous said...

I don't get it when I pull up your blog or any blog. It sounds like you may need to clear your private data (recent history). That will sometimes get rid of spyware/adware. If that doesn't work, there are also websites that search and remove them from your computer for you. It is completely safe if you know the right places. I recommend Trend Micro HouseCall. It's free. I've used it plenty of times and it has literally saved my computer from viruses, spyware, etc(when I didn't have McAfee). Here is the link: http://housecall.trendmicro.com/#tabgs

The Newmans said...

Yes, it happens to me whenever I try to read your blog and leave a comment. Hope you can figure it out!!

Sarah said...

This happens to me every time I try to get onto your blog.

aman said...

i like your topic.yes a blog can has virus.i like your artical.nice work.