Monday, January 19, 2009

Mad about you Monday

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Okay sorry to do another Brother but I have five and I have good reason because he has a birthday tomorrow. My brother Paul, he is awesome, he is one of those guys you love to hang out with, he is hilarious and easy going, no drama. He is twenty times smarter than he ever gives himself credit for. He has a tender heart and is so sweet to my kids. And my kids love him to death. One special story about Paul was when Brody was younger he learned about cigarettes and that they gave you cancer and he realized Paul smoked, so he asked my if he could call Paul because he needed to talk to him. Brody called him up and said Paul I don't want you to die will you please not smoke. Paul never smoked again. My kids can't get enough of their Uncle Paul, they are always asking to see their Uncle Paul and when can we go see him. And we love his wife Rae Ann they are both so loving and kind and we love them to death. Thank you so much guys so spending Christmas morning with us. We Love you and Happy Birthday to you both!!

1 comment:

Jamie Newman said...

OK, the story about Brody asking him not to smoke because he is afraid he will die just touched my heart. That must have been a touching thing for Paul too or he wouldn't have quit smoking. Aren't siblings the best?!? I'm sure thankful for the ones I have.