Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Happiest Place on Earth!!

Catie on her 8th birthday!

Happy Birthday Brody!!!

Well we are back among the living, kinda coming home from a vacation I find is exhausting. But so much fun I think I will be posting little things from the trip that just made me laugh. But first a tribute to the two people we went on the trip for. My Brodyman and LULU. They turned 10 and 8 while we were gone. It is just amazing to me how much my life and my perspective has changed in 10 short years. I marvel in the fact that each of my children are so different and I have had to rewrite the book each time a new one was born. I am especially grateful for my children due to the fact that I had been told by numerous doctors that I would never have them. I feel incredibly blessed by these wonderful spirits who make life so fun.

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